Factor One & BLKTEC Wet Ride with Split downtube (Myth?)

Posted by Trevor Barrett on

Well the wet Auckland days are definitely here and keeping many a cyclist on their edge when descending on some roads, putting on some new rubber and checking the tyre pressures makes it a lot less stressful.

Making the right clothing choices is also important and have been wearing my Santic gear all the time and exceeds any of the expensive clothing on the market - Check it out and you will not be disappointed...

Right back to the Factor ride, i enjoy my Sunday rides with the NZC (NZ Cyclits group) they have great people and no pressure to ride fast or get dropped and then lost for the day. They assist with ensuring the group get back no matter what the weather or group.

Taking my Factor out for the sunday ride started out nice and dry which turned into torrential rain pretty quickly once i got to Albany and that's when the fun started, no shoe covers or rain jacket just a butt saver (Best thing ever). I have always wondered how bad the split down tube would affect my bottles as many of the reviews say its no good and makes for the worst ride, now this is maybe not the best idea for wet weather but was better than expected. Yes their was dirt on the bottle but not all over the nozzle which was only had a little bit of dirt, easy to wipe off or just open and squeeze the fluid in your mouth.

I was considering tape on the downtube but would hate to damage the paint job of this awesome bike so will opt for a bottle that has a flip cover to keep the dirt out for even wetter rides - overall nothing major but as we all know this is a persons preference and here to have real life tests and also knowledge sharing for the consumer on what its like.

Thanks for reading and message me for any more information or to buy this great bike.

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  • Hi! I recently purchased a Factor one and am experiencing a whistling noise coming from the downtube, its rather loud! Have you had the same issue? Thanks:)

    Ella Baxter on

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